Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Best Movie Ever!!

This was seriously the best show!! If you havent seen it you need to!!


Gwen said...

Emilee, I tried to get Grandpa to go to that movie this week end. I am glad you liked it. Have you seen How To Train Your Dragon? I would love to go see it with you guys. I hear it is great. How was Moab? Wonderful I bet. Did you make it home for Max's game? You are getting close to the last month of Elementary School. Then look out Lindon Jr High boys here come Emilee, drop dead beautiful. I love you Miss Emilee!!! Grandma C.

McKinnley said...

I haven't seen it yet but iv'e seen the commercials and looks realy cool! The boy looks FOXY!! ☺ love you EM!!
♥ McKinnley

jen jen said...

That is the best movie ever i loved! You did sogood in your daance concert! love ya!

Gwen said...

Emilee, I saw your favorite movie this week end, and I liked it too. I loved the turtle eggs and the sleeping on the beach and the piano playing. She reminded me a little of you, except she is not half as cute. Her boyfriend was handsome. I can see you had a blast in Moab. Hope you see you soon Emilee I love you!