Okay first thing first is Jenny thought that guy in this first picture was Brandon because I was staring at him. Double click on that picture and you will see that the only reason I was staring at him because he had just sprayed me with the hose!!

On this picture my friend Dillon shoved me down the and then Chandler shoved him after me.

Here is the huge slide!! It was way funnier then any Seven Peaks Slide! I know it's hard to believe but it is true.
This was probably the worst year ever because they mixed everything together and it turned into a brown gue!! Plus I dont think anyone got me except for my friend Jr & he got me so bad!!

This was the whole group!!

Here are my to cute sisters

As you can see not very many of my friends showed up to the party exsept my two best friends Ashley, and Dres
I am so excided to have it be SUMMER!! NO SCHOOL or HOMEWORK or MATH or
Who's this Brandon guy Em?!! I have my last day tomorow!!! IM SOOOOOO EXITED!!! Perfect time for a vacation to Florida!!!.... Ps this is Mckinnley!
how fun! em are you sure thats not brandon!!!!
i have done one of those slides before they r way fun!!
oh and this is riley
Em, what a blast! Your Dad knows how to make a party. I loved all the action pictures! Especially the one with the hose cooling you off. Who is that guy? He looks pretty cute. The food fight looks gooie. I loved your dance program last week. You are a fantastic dancer! I love you Emille Lou!
Em I'm glad you stayed with us for the party instead of going to the boys party. I am excited to have you around all summer. Lets do a lot of fun things together- swimming, cooking, walking, watching movies, etc. I sure love you and am so glad you get a break from school to just PLAY! LUV U!
to yu chandler is just as good as brandon
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