Wednesday, April 8, 2009

AI [ American Idol]

Who is watching American Idol?? I am my two favorites are Alison and Kris P.S. I think he's kind of cute!!! Anyway I hate the new judge Kera she always says something about there personality I mean isn't about there voice??? And what is with Paula and her tutu dresses?? Oh and I think Simon is always right!!! And Randy what is with always saying "yo dog that was tight"??? totally kidding it was an April fools joke get it get it no you don't get it but any way but my two top favorites are Kris and Alison and I do still think he is cute!!! Jenny now it's turn bring it on!!!!


Kim said...

Yo, Listen up dog, Chris is pretty dang cute. And Allison is awesome. I still really like Danny and Matt isn't so bad either. I love watching Idol with you! I love watching to see Kira's dramatic facial expressions and comments too. But the bottom line is Simon Rocks!! He makes the show! Can't wait until Tuesday!

McKinnley said...

HA HA!! That wasnt so much of a an april fools joke!! Its al true!!! UUGGHH!! You like allison? Idont!! i like Lil rounds, Matt danny!! I feel bad for the blind guy!! He's soo funny to watch thogh!! His comments after the judges talk are funny to!! Ryan has to walk him over the stage everytime!! and whenever its his turn to sing, my mom says "O He is soo cute" O and adam... SPOOKY!! Whenever he goes high piched I peek at my mom and her face expression is soooo funny, like she squinnes her eyes!!Oh shes funny! We dont like kera either that much! Whenever she talks my dad goes "EEEEHH boring!!" Simon is the best judge and paula has had some questionable outfits!! Ha ha soo funny! ps thanks for the mashh letter! You will be getting something in the mail soon!... Love you!! Mckinnley