Two weeks ago I had the wax museum at school.
It is when you have to pick a person that made a difference in America and be her. I chose Amelia Earhart. Then I had to do a big report all about her and stand in front of the whole school and give a long speech. We had to act like a statue and when they came and pushed our button we had to tell about the person we were being. It was one of the scariest things I've ever done.
Thanks Grandma for the great costume! I looked just like her.
These are my some of my friends from school.
Jr. & Ashley.
You did such a fabulous job! I am proud of you for working so hard in school and always giving your best! You were such a cute Amelia Earhart and it was fun to come and see you! I just didn't know that you knew japanese. I have never heard you speak so fast in my life!! I bet you broke a world's record that night! Love you LOTS!
xoxo Mom
i think that would be fun you need to post a picture of brandon!!! i want to see how he looks!!!! oooooooooooooo!!!love ya!!
loved hearing teh big speach you had it down pat... and i like the first pic it made me think you were flying
Em.. you are such a cutie! Wish I could have been home to hear you preform. You look soo cute all dressed up!
I hope you had a HAPPY Birthday! Did you get our message?...
Hurry and come out here, the Beach is calling your name!
Aunt Kelly
Like Mother like Daughter... Em Your Mom always spoke Mongolian when ever she got a little nervous! Her finger would also start writting out the letters as she spoke! Man that takes Talent!
Love you Both!
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