Tuesday, April 15, 2008

These are my foxy aunt's

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Kim said...

Now I know where you got your good looks!

JaMie HeApS said...

and is it the more chins they have they more you love them? cuz i would deffinatly be loved then

McKinnley said...

Foxy, foxy!!

Unknown said...


Kelly said...

Emme, Come on lets be for deleting those photos of me. I look like a Monkey Picking my nose! SCARY!

Gwen said...

Emilee, Can you believe I am actually blogging? I have been waiting way too long for this. When do you think you and Jenny could come sleep over so you can teach some of the many things that are in your brains. I love your Blog, especially the first picture of you and Lucy. That one melts my heart! I loved watching you dance and seeing all your fun costumns. Your blond wig was a kick. I hope the boys haven't chased you too far today. I love you Emilee. I am so glad I can watch for your Blogs! Hugs and Kisses Grandma C.